Convoy TM ltd was established in 2013 by managing director Mr Alan Clarke, the company was set up

as a traffic management labour supply service, and the company’s main objective was solely to

supply Quality TM operatives of all levels to the TM industry.

Convoy tm labour supply cover all levels of the following 12AB (High speed) and 12D (Rural and

Urban) roads.

We also cater for TSCO (Traffic Safety Control Officers).



In 2015 we expanded our ability by opening our Lantra approved Training Centre to allow us to train

more Quality operatives internally and externally.

Convoy TM ltd has several fully accredited Instructors and assessors who between them can cover

all levels of training/assessing in NHSS 12AB & 12D.

As well as traffic management based training Convoy tm will also cater for NON traffic management

based courses i.e. First aid, Manual handling etc. on request.

We can offer corporate service as well as individual to suit the needs of all, which in turn we believe

allows us to be one of the leading Training providers in the country.


Full list of courses below: Click Here for Upcoming Courses:

1. 12AB 1 day Course/ Refresher

2. 12AB IPV Course

3. 12A Forman Course (2 Day)

4. TSCO (Traffic Safety Control Officer course)

5. 12B LTMO Course

6. TTMBC (Half day) Newly issued course

7. 12D T1-T2 Course

8. 12D T3 Course

9. 12D T4 Course

10. 12D T5 Course

11. 12D T6 Course (2Day)

12. 12D T7 Course

13. First Aid Course

14. Manual Handling

Please get in touch for further details.